money-making blog vs self-satisfying blog
i dont know if this should belong to this blog but then its something that i thought is really nice of it can happen to me.
but being rather boring, i figure its not going to happen soon until i become more exciting and funny to read.
maybe u've heard of this maybe not but its on our papers lately.
xiaxue (i hope i can use her name here) a teen who blogs.
and apparently her spicy (or turn-off to a handful of people) has attracted alot of controversy and the fact that her blogs are vasically the raw truth that usually hurt plus the use of some foul languages made her the hot topic for a while especially now...
okay i have put off putting in this blog cos my com is really moving too slow and i am not a IT savvy person like she is..
besides im not pretty nor possess a figure at all to begin with.
so might as well just stay an audience and experiance that sourness that comes oh-so-often.
oh yea the deal that was offered to her was endorsement from the T-shirt LocalBrand.
its finally got my attention when money came about. well money is still on my mind although i am suppose to be the money-not-inportant kind of being. i dont even know if people actually read this blog at all...
but then its just a space in a hyperspace that exist only in a dimension full of electricity running about. who knows if you actually have the luck or the unfortunate experience of bumping into this blog and boring yourself till now? well if you are really reading this~ thank you LAR!
but being rather boring, i figure its not going to happen soon until i become more exciting and funny to read.
maybe u've heard of this maybe not but its on our papers lately.
xiaxue (i hope i can use her name here) a teen who blogs.
and apparently her spicy (or turn-off to a handful of people) has attracted alot of controversy and the fact that her blogs are vasically the raw truth that usually hurt plus the use of some foul languages made her the hot topic for a while especially now...
okay i have put off putting in this blog cos my com is really moving too slow and i am not a IT savvy person like she is..
besides im not pretty nor possess a figure at all to begin with.
so might as well just stay an audience and experiance that sourness that comes oh-so-often.
oh yea the deal that was offered to her was endorsement from the T-shirt LocalBrand.
its finally got my attention when money came about. well money is still on my mind although i am suppose to be the money-not-inportant kind of being. i dont even know if people actually read this blog at all...
but then its just a space in a hyperspace that exist only in a dimension full of electricity running about. who knows if you actually have the luck or the unfortunate experience of bumping into this blog and boring yourself till now? well if you are really reading this~ thank you LAR!